The Garden

The Garden

Our garden is not small! Most of it is grass with some trees and little tended corners. At this time of year the growth can be measured in feet every day and our sit on lawn mower is being mended. There is no date for it to be returned to us and if I'm honest the stress was rising. (Especially with a wedding in the garden in August.)

As I stood in the kitchen this morning I spotted the red poppy, just popping it's head over the small hedge. Off I went to explore. I took my phone to snap some photos and what beauty there was. Hidden among the long grass were so many colours, so many different varieties of grasses, Ox-eye daises with buds just waiting to burst. God has blessed us indeed. It's hard to believe that Eden could have been more been more beautiful than our plot this May morning.

So 'No Mow May' seems like a good thing to me. The Lord has calmed my soul and relieved me of the stress. He has shown me the beauty of His creation this morning. Neat and tidy will wait for another day.

All things to His glory.