Why sew?

Why sew?

My dear readers,

Sometimes people wonder why I sew. I freely admit that it could be seen as ridiculous! There are plenty of clothes out there in shops to purchase quite cheaply and to be honest I have enough clothes already to see me through most of the rest of my life. So why bother?

One of the driving forces is creativity. I shut my door, pull out my fabric, feel a few pieces, drape them a little in front of the mirror and wonder what one will become today. A piece of fabric is so full of potential! I am not a person who generally buys with a garment in mind, I just know what I like. I tend to buy cheaply and so I am not too precious about making mistakes and generally I end up with something wearable.

Perhaps the second reason is linked to the first. I like to dress creatively. I don't think I have ever got over the joy of dressing up. If I could choose to wear long floaty dresses everyday well, why wouldn't I? And colour. I have walked into clothes shops, glanced around and realised that I don't like anything this season. Just not my colours. But generally I can find fabric in colours I like.

Thirdly I'm short. It's really hard to find anything to fit me well. Dresses are always too long from shoulder to waist and again from waist to ankle. Sleeves have the same problem. (And since having babies I don't like anything tight on my waist.) In short (!) I can make my clothes to fit me.

And so, my friends, I have a constant drive to find an hour or two each week to sew. I just love it, from buying fabric, to washing, draping, folding, cutting, sewing and of course wearing.

I thoroughly recommend dressmaking to you. And so, perhaps, over the next few weeks I'll share some of my processes with you because I never use a pattern which gives me great freedom.

Why not create something unique yourself?